This title has a rating of M due to its graphic nature. These outfits range from brand new looks to classic duds, and you can use them on your chosen character. You'll receive all of the DLC costumes as well. These fighters include Rain, a ninja who can control the weather, and horror icon Freddy Krueger. You'll gain access to four brand new characters with this version of the title. The "Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition" features all of the downloadable content released for the video game. Lastly, the Komplete Edition supports both local multiplayer and online multiplayer. The title also features tests that will judge your reflexes, strength, and endurance.

Tag team games allow you to fight your opponent in a two against-two match. In addition to the Story mode, fans can also enjoy the single player Arcade mode. Many of the game modes from previous Mortal Kombat games also make an appearance for the Xbox 360 version. You can also use the super meter to perform enhanced versions of your special moves. When each attack connects, an X-ray is shown of your opponent, indicating the bones that are breaking. These moves allow you to hit your opponent with some powerful attacks.

X-Ray moves are bone shattering moves you can perform when your super meter is full. This Xbox 360 game adds a few new features as well. These moves trigger unique scenes at the end of the battle, and they ensure that your opponent will not live to see another fight. At the end of a match, you can dismember your opponent with a fatality move. Fatalities also make a return in the Komplete Edition. Sub-Zero can use ice to freeze his opponent while Scorpion can impale a foe with a spear. Like in the past video games in this series, each combatant has an array of unique special moves. When an opponent's life bar is empty, he loses the match. Players will punch, kick, and throw their opponents to decrease their life bar. These fighters include almost every character from the original "Mortal Kombat" game up to "Mortal Kombat 3." Fan favorites like Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn return alongside niche characters like Noob Saibot. Players can select one of over 35 fighters. "Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition" for the Xbox 360 is a one on one fighting game. It was developed by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros. The "Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition" had a release date of 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PS3, one year after the previous game in the series. Enemies become allies, and not everyone makes it out alive in this reboot. Rather, as Raiden alters history, the "Mortal Kombat" timeline starts to branch off into a new direction. As a result, the story in this fighting game isn't just a retelling of the previous games. He travels back to the events of the first "Mortal Kombat" game to change the direction of history. Raiden, realizing the destruction of the universe was at hand, has found a way to go back to the past. "Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition" for the Xbox 360 served as a reboot for the entire series.